Will the Real Malware Culprit Please Stand Up?

The trouble with attribution During the 2018 winter Olympics in South Korea, there was an attack on various computer and network systems. This all occurred before the opening ceremony and it effected services like ski lifts, the Olympics website, Wi-Fi networks, and random display boards used to inform athletes and guests. Malicious software (malware) named Read more about Will the Real Malware Culprit Please Stand Up?[…]

Cryptojacking: Hijacking Your Computer Power for Profit

 The rise of cryptojacking There is a rising trend called crytptojacking. The bad guys are taking advantage of your computer, phone, or servers on the internet to run huge calculations. These are used to mine cryptocurrency. These can then be exchanged for tangible currency. Some predict that the trend is rising so quickly that it Read more about Cryptojacking: Hijacking Your Computer Power for Profit[…]